The southern hemisphere is experiencing unusually cold conditions in what is now winter for that half of the world.
In South America for example the first snow for over 90 years hit Buenos Aires the capital of Argentina. Elsewhere in South America heavy snow also swept across areas of Bolivia, Chile and Peru.
Meanwhile in Australia unsually cold air coming up from Antartica (see pic below) led to the revival of the nations ski resorts which had remained closed for numerous years for lack of snow.
South Africa is another victim. As reported elesewhere in this site - heavy snow falls covered large parts of the country and Johannensburg saw its first snow falls for nearly 30 years.
But wait a minute! Isn’t this supposed to be the era of Global Warming? So what are all these cold spells doin’? Or maybe the word hasn’t got round to the weather that it’s supposed to be hot!!!
Right, I got it! If it’s not Global Warming, then it has to be Climate Change! I mean if it ain’t one then it just gotta be the other. Right?
Turns out its neither of these. No Sir!! No Ma’am!! It ain’t neither. What it is, and what accounts for all of the above, is simply a really cold blast of air from the South Pole, the Antarctic, or whatever you like to call it. That’s as simple as it gets. No great conspiracy regarding clouds of carbon dioxide, ozone holes, or another type of hole we won’t talk about - just a plain old wind making its way up from the frozen wastes of Antarctica.
Of course there are those long on suspicion that will just drive themselves silly wondering just what it could be that might produce these winds that have resulted in such adverse conditions for many a long year. Perhaps one answer - and it seems perfectly plausible- is that recently the Sun has been exhibiting signs of lessened flare activity (see here for former topic on this issue) or this other Flare Activity.
In plain language it translates to just this - if you have a fire and turn down the heat then things get colder. And since the Sun is our only source of heat it follows that if its energy don’t quite match it’s usual output, then for awhile, things will get colder here on Earth.
Ain’t no mystery!!! Just plain old science.