Friday, July 13, 2007

Extremes of condition.

While most of the southern hemisphere has experienced unusually cold conditions in what is their winter (see post below) parts of the northern hemisphere have registered other extremes of circumstance. These involve floods and torrential rain in the states of Kansas, Missouri, Texas, and Oklahoma in the USA, as well as near heatwave conditions in New York and other areas of the eastern US coastline.

For those tempted to believe that maybe this involved the subtle effects attributed to Global Warming or Climate Change, then think again. As the picture below shows quite prominently the floods and prolonged rainfall were no more than the result of warm winds from the south colliding with those from the north. The meeting point between them inevitably produced ferocious downpours which once again considering the factors involved owes less to some fanciful scenario such as Climate Change and more to natural cycles of weather that have existed for thousands of years.

Meanwhile the New York heatwave was the result of warm southerly winds emanating from the Gulf of Mexico. (click on map for larger version)

In Europe there was a sharp division between north and south. For example while Britain continued to experience a parody of summer with cool, wet, and windy conditions, the Mediterranean regions could not be more different. Areas of Spain registered around 43 degrees centigrade, and in Greece there was a return to a mini heatwave with some areas touching 40 degrees, following highs of 47 degrees only a few weeks ago.

And the reason? Was it Global Warming? Climate Change? Clouds of carbon dioxide? In fact none of these. As the picture below illustrates quite plainly it was just the result of winds that emanated from the tropics and fed themselves up across the deserts of North Africa.

Another explanation is that the last three of four weeks have seen varying periods of much lowered Solar flare activity. This has frequently been cited as a trigger for unusual or extreme weather patterns, and the last few weeks seem to confirm this pattern. See the following link for more on this topic.