Friday, December 26, 2008

USA heads for next Ice Age

Global Warming eh! Well try telling that to so many inhabitants of numerous states within the USA that we're really heading for run away Global Warming. The next ice age maybe, but Global way!!! As things turned out many states within the USA enjoyed, suffered or otherwise experienced a considerably whiter Christmas than they could ever have imagined. For more on this please turn to the following link:

US Freeze.

Monday, December 22, 2008

2008 - A critical review

For various reasons it was not always possible to update this site as often as we would have wanted. However now at the end of yet another year it is possible to take stock of the previous 12 months and arrive at certain obvious conclusions.

The most obvious conclusion is that 2008 was hardly the sort of epoch making example of an environment about to be ravaged by run away global warming. It was true that certain areas did have summer heatwaves, but these were in places and nations well known for such events. On the other hand northern Europe saw a summer that existed in word only. In Britain for example dull,rainy and unseasonably cold conditions provided better evidence for a coming Ice Age rather than a planet about to be consumed by hastening clouds of carbon dioxide.

Above all one thing appeared to stand out quite poignantly. It is that for at least the last five years once winter sets in, it sets in with a vengeance, and although there may be few big freezes or snow falls the ensuing winter unfolds to a pattern of consistently low temperatures that were not a feature of the weather only a decade ago. For example 2008 saw some of the earliest frosts and freezes on record and hardly the sort of weather one would have expected of a planet about to be stricken with catastrophic levels of global warming. There was further evidence for this in the USA where heavy snow falls and very low temperatures brought chaos to many states. Once again this was much more proof for a coming Ice Age than Global Warming, but then where fixations become blinded to a single obsession truth is bound to suffer.

Another inescapable conclusion is that compared with just 12 months ago the notion of Global Warming and Climate Change now occupy far fewer column inches and media exposure than they once did. This is because the so called 'credit cruch' and universal downturn in the global economy have created an understanding diversion of attention from the fantasy that global warming and climate change really represents.

In its way the ecoomic state of the planet at present is a far more serious situation than global climate trends, since the global economy is all that holds us from financial armaggeddon, that if ruptured would create the complete dismantlement of the world we know and have come to rely on.

As for the climate as a whole, 2008 was a totally unremarkable year and suggestive that despite blips and dips there was nothing suggestive of anything catastrophic to come.

If only the same could be said of the economy.