Thursday, June 28, 2007

Freaked out weather.

The world seemed gripped in a series of very powerful and disturbed weather patterns that once again had the aficionados of global warming humming with delight.

In Britain the unseasonably cold and miserable weather continued to bring hefty rain showers, and farther afield, there was much more serious flooding in Texas in the USA, as well as the Eastern Coast of Australia, that was hit by some of the worst flooding in many a long decade. Floods and heavy winds also brought disruption to parts of China, and huge downpours also deluged areas of Romania and Germany, where high winds were also a problem.

Meanwhile the heatwave in Greece and other nations of the Balkans and Easter Mediterranean still continued, though fortunately coming days are forecast to see a change to much more normal conditions. Then of course we mustn't forget the unusual snowfalls that blanketed wide areas of South Africa including Johannesburg (see below)

To all intents and purposes it seemed that the planets weather system had just suddenly freaked out, and it was only natural that this should be touted around as the definitive proof that climate change had arrived in its full enormity. Well it’s very convincing stuff, and I must admit that if I knew nothing about what was really going on, I would be tempted to believe all the hype. However a rational look at the picture tells a much more mundane story: An explanation that in each case can quite easily be demonstrated from the relevant wind maps of the areas concerned. For example below we see that the flooding in Texas was the result of two weather systems colliding. In fact a typical story, as outlined in former posts, of warm winds from the south colliding with much colder winds coming down from the north. Where the two systems meet heavy rain is the outcome, and we have widespread flooding.

And that’s about as mysterious as it gets!!! (Click on map for larger version)

As the picture below will illustrate, the floods in Australia were the result of two very strong weather systems colliding around the eastern coast of the nation, bringing severe flooding to many areas. Once again, not much of a mystery when you see what’s actually causing it. (Click on map for larger version)

The peculiar thing about these incidents is that they all seemed to have happened around the same time as one another. Usually when this happens there is likely to be a unifying cause, and this is the focus of the next posting which is outlined above, because strange as it may seem these events were forecast by one web site just shortly before they happened, and seem to represent a stunning verification of forces much greater than we can ever hope to control.

For more on this see the next post above.