Friday, March 7, 2008

Solar flare connection to recent cold snaps.

As outlined in other posts below certain areas of the world, in particular the USA and northern Europe have recently experienced particularly heavy snow falls that appear to contradict the idea that the world is heating up. Indeed it is the opinion of this site that events here on Earth are a reflection of Solar energy. When for instance Solar flare activity is at a peak temperatures tend to rise and conversely when flare activity declines so do temperatures here on Earth.

With this in mind it is interesting to note that Solar flare activity (see graph below) has recently been of an extremely low, to non existent variety. Hence we have colder conditions. When this graph becomes more animated - as it soon will - then warmer conditions will return. It's as simple as that. In fact no great mystery, and certainly nothing that we as a race have much influence over. Simply put, it's like turning up the fire!!