Saturday, January 12, 2008

New Year - Same lies.

Happy New Year to you all.

As always at this time of the year its customary to take stock, and inevitably the air is thick with the same lying nonsense. An example of this is the claim that 2007 was the second warmest year ever experienced in the British Isles since accurate records were first kept. Apparently this so called 'fact' bears some official seal of authority, but whoever the people are - and its not immediately clear who lies behind this statement which was widely published in the British press, can't have been standing where I was standing for the whole of last year, or they'd know their so called facts were a load of compost.

My recollection of 2007 - weather wise - was of a largely ordinary year, including a terrible washout of a summer that was both cool, wet and largely unremarkable. This was followed by an autumn and early winter that was cold wet and windy and again no different to dozens of other autumns and winters that have gone before it.

It seemed to me that anyone wishing to fit Britain 2007 into evidence of either Global Warming, or Climate Change would have their work cut out. However this did not account for those who are deliberately inclined to distort, falsify, or otherwise twist the facts of quite an ordinary year to fit the rolling bandwagon of hysteria that is the Global Warming movement.

But why should I be surprised? The whole idea of Global warming and Climate Change is founded on the same distortion of facts and figures that fortunately are now beginning to be exposed and unravelled for the lie that they really are.

What is really worrying is that such a large number of people in the scientific community should sell their intellect towards convincing others that the stability of the planet is under threat from our own activities. It makes me wonder what lies behind this deception, but then there are an ever growing number of conspiracy sites that will give a clue to that one.

As for us we think it's nothing short of scandalous that the general public are ever more swiftly being manipulated to believe that they can do anything to stave off environmental armaggeddon. What arrogant presumption!!! Nature cannot be bargained with. It is entirely dispassionate to our survival or non survival. You cannot debate terms with nature and all this nonsense over carbon trading, carbon footprints, and every other politically correct remedy for the planets ills cannot ignore the fact that nothing we can do - repeat nothing - will ever surmount the unalterable direction of the natural world, with its equally unalterable patterns and rhythms. These are frequently misunderstood or deliberately misinterpreted, but whatever the case there is no getting away from the fact that the world has its own special cycles of weather and our own contribution to these will eventually come to be acknowledged as very small indeed.

In the meantime that will not stop governments everywhere imposing green taxes on the hapless public, and I suppose that herein lies the nub of the matter - that is no great desire for the greater good of the planet , but self centred motives of personal gain that are as old as humanity itself.