Friday, August 10, 2007

Extreme flooding follows reduced Solar flare activity.

Some weeks ago we mentioned the possibility of disturbed, extreme or unusual weather patterns that we felt may arise as a result of lowered Solar flare activity. To some extent or other this has persisted for around three weeks.

For us this was cause for concern because previous spells of lowered Solar flare activity earlier in the summer were later followed by extreme weather conditions in numerous countries, including the British Isles where estimated damage ran into many millions of dollars. This time reduced flare activity has extended for even longer, and once again the world has witnessed extremes of conditions.

As reported in an earlier post the Far East, including India, China, Bangladesh, and Vietnam have been especially badly hit with some of the worst ever monsoon flooding in recorded memory. Meanwhile in Europe particularly heavy flooding has resulted in severe disruption within numerous Balkan nations, including Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey. Flash floods also hit areas of Spain, and in the USA New York was lashed by hefty downpours after a stifling heatwave.

Once again as on previous occasions of lowered Solar flare activity we see an astonishing concentration of floods and extreme weather within a relatively short time period, and inevitably this hints at a single causal factor. Of course there have been those who have rushed to attribute these events to Global warming or Climate Change. Reassuringly however people are beginning to wise up a little and see things differently. Meteorologists for example speak of a new La Nina wave attributed to a cooling of the Eastern Pacific, which has long been known as a source of disturbed or unusual weather patterns. This certainly is one cause of these latest anomalies, but we believe that the determinative factor in all of this is the actions of the Sun, or more precisely the lack of Solar flare activity, which time after time is followed by extreme events here on Earth. Events that we actually predicted would happen some time ago.