Thursday, July 26, 2007

Extreme or unusual weather on its way.

The likelihood of even more unsettled or extreme weather conditions across the world was made even more likely by the activity of the Sun or rather the lack of it. For just around a week Solar flare activity has been unusually low to non existent (see pic below) Of course this corresponds to Solar minima, part of an 11 year cycle of Solar activity when the Sun goes from very turbulent flare activity to barely any at all.

We are now in the latter stage and there are many who believe that these periods have a profound influence on the world’s weather. For example the recent spells of extreme weather across Europe were both preceded by periods of low Solar flare activity. Now this current spell is the most profound of them all, and we can safely say that the next few weeks will be filled with extreme, unusual, or otherwise bizarre episodes of weather phenomenon.

Remember you read it here first.

See here for more on this topic
Solar flares and the weather