Saturday, June 16, 2007

Eastern Pacific cooler than average

Proponents of the Global Warming theory like to trumpet on about the heating up of the World’s Oceans. But are the Worlds Oceans really heating up or is this just one more fantasy in a theory that the more you look at it just gets more and more ridiculous?

The reality is that in an extremely influential part of the Pacific Ocean - temperatures have shown below average readings since the turn of the year.

Now that’s something you don’t hear blazoned in feet high banner headlines in the press, and nor has it been mentioned much on TV.

I wonder why?

Seems to me that every shred of evidence - however tenuous in support of Global Warming gets acres of coverage - the complete opposite to anything that would tend to deny that most hallowed of New World religions - Climate Change Hysteria.

Anyway it turns out that whole areas of the Eastern Pacific have been cooler than normal since the beginning of the year. But hey this isn’t anything we haven’t seen before. It’s just a regular La Nina effect. Remember that from another by gone age?

For those who may be too young or just let it slip them by, El Nino is when areas of the Pacific Ocean gets warmer, and La Nina is when it gets colder. Turns out its an entirely natural effect. Nothing to do with the Human Race, and routinely decides the weather outlook for large swathes of the planet. And if you’re thinking that maybe this hoo-hah about so called global warming is really no more than our old friends La Nina and El Nino in action then you would be entirely right.

For more on the cooling in the Pacific Ocean please turn to the following link

Below shows the temperature cooling in graphic form with the top bar showing the mean readings , and the bottom bar the current cooling effect.