Saturday, July 7, 2007

Renewed suspicions of Global Warming

Rumours of Global Warming were again to be heard as very hot conditions were reported for Western areas of the United States as some regions topped 46 degrees centigrade. Now these are not places unknown to heat, but surely the mercury doesn’t lie and this just had to be a result of choking clouds of carbon dioxide that lay just above the lower atmosphere.

I mean what other explanation could there be... carbon dioxide was trapping in the heat and this surely led to the extreme conditions witnessed here.

Well not quite... You see as mentioned elsewhere in this site - the mystery - if that’s the word, never quite existed, and could certainly not be attributable to that scourge of the 21st Century (carbon dioxide) to be found in every can of Coke (trademark). The reason, more mundanely, was the result of very warm winds that came up from south west equatorial regions, as can be seen from the map below.

Meanwhile in Europe Britain was still in the grips of an abnormally cool summer - not withstanding that despite all indications to the contrary the local meteorological service was still pleased to call June of above average temperature (see here for more)

In Spain on the other hand temperatures of over 40 centigrade gave rise to yet more suspicions that the feared concentrations of carbon dioxide above the nation were strangulating the country of its fresh air.

Yet here again there was a considerably less sensational answer. Simply that winds were blowing up from the tropics to produce conditions of heat, that although elevated, is nothing unusual for areas of Southern Spain at this time.

June - Above average in temperature?? I don't think so!!!

Despite cold, wet, windy, and generally highly unseasonal weather, June in Britain was still officially rated as above average in temperature!!!

This is astonishing because - as posts on this site have shown - no ones recollection of the month was as anything but a very unsummery start to summer, giving vacation minded Britons the green light to race to sunnier climes abroad for their holidays. It naturally begs the question of just how reliable average temperatures are as a guide to what is really happening in the world, and also to that much broader discussion involving Global Warming and Climate Change.

It is well known that statistical averages can be manipulated in limitless ways, and for June in Britain to be rated above average in temperature, at the very least suggests we are getting a distorted image of a month that saw some of the wettest and coldest June days on record. Of course whole discussions now rage on the way temperature records are amassed, and it would seem that if the question of Global Warming is built on similarly distorted data then its no wonder that people are coming to believe in something that just doesn’t exist.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Low Solar Flare output may cause extreme weather conditions.

Solar Flare activity has dipped to very low levels (see pic below) heralding a possible return to the more extreme weather conditions that were seen around the globe only around a week ago (see this feature) That particular period was preceded by a previous spell of low Solar Flare output, that lasted for around six or seven days.

The possibility of another extreme spell of disturbed weather may depend on how long the present low in Solar flare activity is likely to persist. Anything beyond two or three days is almost guaranteed to trigger a noticeable reaction, and the coming week will be watched with interest to see how conditions unfold.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Inventing the wheel

Indifferent weather conditions typified the start of July in the British Isles. Indeed strong winds, rain, and below average temperatures for this time of the year seemed to mock those who continued to insist, beyond reason that this was really a scenario commensurate with anyone’s idea of Global Warming.

On the other hand where conditions don’t fit the idea of an abnormally heated planet they can always conform to that other new fangled idea - Climate Change. As our feature of some weeks ago illustrates, when the proof doesn’t accord with one theory then simply invent another. Meanwhile, as the previous post illustrates quite plainly, scientists were beginning to remember that variations of temperature in the Pacific Ocean - the El Nino, or La Nina, are an important source of weather conditions throughout the planet.

Wow!! I mean talk of inventing the wheel!! All this was known decades ago; can be found in any text book or web site on weather, worth half a dime, and suddenly it’s a new discovery!!

But whatever!!! This site is glad of any officially accredited proof that happens to verify what a shambles the evidence is regarding human enduced forcings of so called Global Warming, or Climate Change.

As to the present situation at the time of this posting, Britain still continued to be subject to inclement weather, with heavy showers, that were a result of strong westerly winds that came streaming across the Atlantic (see pic below)
Click on image for an enlarged version.

British weather stems from Pacific Ocean scientists confirm.

Scientists have decided that the British summer is likely to be something of a washout. Citing evidence of a Pacific cooling - a fact that we mentioned here around two weeks ago (see this) - they point the finger of blame on this current spell of wet and unseasonal weather in Britain to the workings of the La Nina phenomenon.

The La Nina effect has been known for some time and is contrasted by the El Nino, with the difference between them being that El Nino refers to a warming of the Pacific Ocean wheras La Nina refers to a cooling down of the same ocean. The importance of this is that both these phenomenon are known to make a fundamental contribution to the weather around the world, and a latest study has tracked back instances of La Nina effects on the British climate for the last one hundred years.

For more on this please turn to the following article just published in The Times of London - but be prepared to scroll down the page quite a way.
La Nina.

For some time it has been appreciated that important weather changes, that in some cases may last for numerous years are due to shifting locations of hot and cold pools of water in the Pacific Ocean. These have sometimes been linked to extreme weather systems bringing widespread disaster and mayhem. Lately however these changes have been erroneously attributed to Global Warming and so called Climate Change.

Once again however the truth is considerably more prosaic, and far from evoking the spectacle of a planet threatening catastrophe, these changes in the Pacific Ocean are simply the result of natural forces that have existed for thousands of years.

For more on El Nino please visit the El Nino home page for all the latest news.