Are the record breaking snowfalls in Mid Altantic US states linked to the Solar cycle? We believe there is a firm connection.
Over the last week or so we have seen the most convincing evidence yet that Solar Minimum is over and that the Sun is firing up towards it’s next peak of activity. This is part of a routine 11 year cycle, though on this occasion Solar minimum has lasted longer than expected with little major activity for numerous years
Over the last week however there is a clear sign that the Sun is firing up to a new peak - Cycle 24 - as it is more commonly known, that presumably will see greatly increased Solar activity.
No one really understands the full workings of the Sun, but what is beyond doubt is that climatical and even political and social events on Earth are closely linked to the Solar Cycle. For example it is no coincidence that the extreme record breaking snow falls that hit mid Atlantic States including the US capital Washington, come after a period of highly reduced Solar activity.
Sometimes this relative inactivity can last for hundreds of years and contributed to the so called
Little Ice Age, beginning around 1650 and lasting for around two hundred years. It illustrates if ever it needed to be said just how much we are at the mercy of celestial factors that virtually determine every aspect of life here on Earth.