On the other hand where conditions don’t fit the idea of an abnormally heated planet they can always conform to that other new fangled idea - Climate Change. As our feature of some weeks ago illustrates, when the proof doesn’t accord with one theory then simply invent another. Meanwhile, as the previous post illustrates quite plainly, scientists were beginning to remember that variations of temperature in the Pacific Ocean - the El Nino, or La Nina, are an important source of weather conditions throughout the planet.
Wow!! I mean talk of inventing the wheel!! All this was known decades ago; can be found in any text book or web site on weather, worth half a dime, and suddenly it’s a new discovery!!
But whatever!!! This site is glad of any officially accredited proof that happens to verify what a shambles the evidence is regarding human enduced forcings of so called Global Warming, or Climate Change.
As to the present situation at the time of this posting, Britain still continued to be subject to inclement weather, with heavy showers, that were a result of strong westerly winds that came streaming across the Atlantic (see pic below)
Click on image for an enlarged version.