Last week the temperature in Siberia was reported have dropped to minus 58C (-72F), which by anyone's reckoning is pretty cold. But this was supposed to be a world gripped by Global Warming? So how come that Siberia has yet to latch on to this idea?
Oh but wait!! If this isn't Global warming then ... you guessed it!! It has to be good old Climate Change. Except... and its a pretty big except - this is Siberia we're talking about and although the temperature has been pretty cold it's only just a couple of degrees below normal for this time of the year, in a part of the world that has always been renowned for its winter cold. In other words nothing terribly unusual.
But Siberia was not the only place on Earth to forget to adhere to the universally accepted idea of Global Warming. Areas of China for example experienced their worst winter snowfalls for over a decade and it seemed that whatever else was happening the image of a world enshrouded by heat trapping clouds of carbon dioxide was a long way from the stark reality of the actual situation.
Once again it showed that despite the politically hyped rhetoric nature has its own agenda to maintain, and one that we humans interpret or misinterpret to our own interest or ignore at our peril.