But not so fast. Barely two hundred miles farther north conditions of heavy frost prevailed as people made their way to work in the freezing morning cold and to all intents and purposes it seemed that the British Isles were cut in two between very distinct temperature gradients.
But what lay behind this contrast? Was it shifting bands of carbon dioxide? Or was it the inexorable march towards Climate Change in all of its impenetrable complexity?
As always the truth was quite easily demonstrated. As the image below quite aptly shows the differing temperature variations were solely a result of the wind patterns that were dominant at that particular time. For example the south of England was subject to a southerly wind flow that came up from the tropics whereas the north was clearly influenced by the jet stream that came plunging down from the north.
As ever not much of a mystery and certainly not one that might involve those mythical clouds of swirling carbon dioxide.