I know it's been a fair while since the last posting but important research needed to be undertaken, meaning that time was limited. Anyway never mind. Now with time pressures not so extreme I can devote at least some attention to outlining the many many inconsistencies that plainly illustrate that this planet is far from heating up to the point where we shall resemble the steaming cauldron of a planet - our nearest neighbour Venus, where a cool day comes in at a positively mind boggling 700 degrees centigrade.
Anyway it's time to take stock and summarise world weather since the last posting. This can quite easily be described as unremarkable and very ordinary. For example the summer in the British Isles arrived in name only with wet and cool conditions and temperatures that were lower than the so called norm. This was largely because of winds that were predominantly of a northern direction, in contrast to the year before when they were predominantly from the south.
Further afield we had the occasional heatwave in the Mediterranean, and most especially Greece where fierce forest fires - deliberately lit - created widespread disruption with many deaths. However this is Greece, traditionally hot in summer, in a way that has continued for many centuries. Parts of the USA also experienced heatwave conditions, which in this present climate were exaggerated to fit the pattern of that highly esteemed new age religion of Global Warming.
Anyway so much for the summary. But what about now??
Again nothing remarkable for this time of year. Northern Europe is under the grips of intense cold, which even extends to more southern areas with significant snow falls in Greece and Spain, and nothing much of note in other parts of the world. Quite how this squares with either a pattern of disastrous Global Warming or even the faintest glimmer of proof that could support Climate Change is up to the seriously deluded to decide. Meanwhile freezing temperatures and apparent normality elsewhere speak volumes for the rest of us. In short nothing unusual.
Despite this the powers that be wring their hands in glee. The Climate Change hysteria continues in overdrive and governments as well as the press everywhere continue to trumpet the mantra of carbon footprints and the inevitable taxes that will shortly follow to save the planet. In fact we would go so far as to say that never in the modern history of the world has such a half baked argument ever been pedalled with the same maniacal, religious zeal, with so little evidence to support it, and with such great success in convincing the masses
Cold, heat, rain, blizzards, heatwaves and cold snaps have always been the way of the worlds climate. Sometimes one or other elements of this pattern predominates, creating the illusion of permanent change, but which actually represent no more than one more cycle, either longer or shorter of world climate that has always been subject to change. This is the way it has always been and the way it always will be.