Theories, suspicions and counter arguments regarding Global Warming and Climate Change, can surely never get anymore ridiculous than claims highlighted in an article published in the Times of London. In this article an environmentalist is quoted as saying that driving your car to the shops is less injurious to the atmosphere than walking there.
The reasoning behind this blindingly facile argument is that people expend so much energy in going to the shops that they eat more, and therefore consume more food. This in turn leads to more food purchases from an industry that according to the article is top heavy in terms of environment harming processes - far more it claims than the fumes emitted from ones car.
Perhaps the theorist involved failed to consider that people who walk more and exercise more, may also be more inclined to take more rests, thereby minimising their use of devices that place a strain on the use of natural resources. Above all features like this illustrate that when people’s minds become preoccupied, or in this case obsessed with a particular theory then all sorts of junk begins to take root. And just wait: In time these inane ramblings will themselves become backed up by equally ludicrous measures that will likely tax the amount of walking or exercise we are likely to do in order to prevent undue food consumption. Couldn’t happen? You bet your **** it could. Just wait and see!!! It also illustrates that when people part company from common sense and create a situation of self imposed logic then there’s no telling how perverse a world we might create.
For more on this article please turn to the link below:
The environmental harm of walking to the shops.