Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A change of winds.

Fast changing winds

Two weeks in late May and early June typified the complexity of the debate revolving around Global Warming. Many areas of Europe saw widely contrasting conditions within a very short time. This meant swift changes between relatively cold and wet weather, to dry and hotter conditions or vice versa .

Not surprisingly the Global Warming brigade attributed this to the actions of humanity and increased levels of carbon dioxide. Yet as these pictures of the prevailing winds - the Jet Stream - clearly indicate, the cause is very evidently the change of wind direction and nothing more. On the 27th of May the picture of the Jet stream shows a northerly flow of winds over Britain that created one of the coldest ends to May within living memory.

Click on image for larger view

Barely days later the situation was reversed with southerly winds that blew hot and dry conditions over the British Isles for a period of close on two weeks (see image below) Winds that moreover blew up almost unimpeded from South America to the North African coastline before heading up towards Britain.

Click on image for larger view.

These two instances quite graphically illustrate that temperatures are not dependent on levels of carbon dioxide but on straight forward factors of wind direction.

It couldn’t be simpler. In the northern hemisphere when the wind blows from the south you get warmer conditions, and when it blows from the north colder weather takes over. This is the way it has always been , and to any objective observer, so called changes in climate are quite easily explainable as a shift in global wind patterns, that this site is pleased to explore for the education of all.